This week in the ➡️ #Metaverse - Issue #4
A weekly roundup of what’s happening in the digital land(scape). Metaverse ethics, governance and interesting trends from crypto, gaming and regulation.
What's going on:
Keep an eye on this!
Meme corner:
For Science!!!
Ending nugget:
"I think there is two ways we avoid that. The first way is that virtual worlds, like the real world, need to have in-between spaces where we can meet in-between groups. It is very difficult to become extremist when you are in a room contaning a number of people who have different view points. Virtual worlds can bring a lot of people in a share space, and by doing that, they can reduce the risk of extremist behavior"
The second one, -which we can argue on it- is some of the business models, like advertisement, unfortunately have at least cracks that let slip trough, where we are amplifying these behaviours, sugesting essentially worse and worse ones, pushing people further and further in polarization. So, no ads and letting people share a single space".
Philip Rosedale, Second Life founder, speaking about polarization in virtual worlds and the Metaverse at Davos 2022.